An interactive ranking system to compare veterinary schools. Check out the average GPA, GRE of accepted applicants and the percent of students who pass their national board exams at each school. Information and rankings provided by This post will also be a permanent link on the navigation bar, listed as “Veterinary School Comparison” under QUICK INFO.
Check out individual schools here, or compare schools in the list below!
How do you compare schools for what they specialized the most in, or what type of medicine they offer the most experience in before graduation/residency? Which veterinary school offers the most for food animal medicine, for equine, for zoo medicine. Every school claims to be the best at one thing or another on their websites, but how do you know who will give you the best experience in the field you want to be in?
Great question, Heather! Answered in a new post, which you can find here:
How do you compare schools for what they specialized the most in, or what type of medicine they offer the most experience in before graduation/residency? Which veterinary school offers the most for food animal medicine, for equine, for zoo medicine. Every school claims to be the best at one thing or another on their websites, but how do you know who will give you the best experience in the field you want to be in?
Great question, Heather! Answered in a new post, which you can find here:
How is it possible that higher ranked schools have lower license exam pass rates?